Radiological Sciences Lab:
Group Meeting Sign Up
You are signing up to give a talk during the
WEEK OF APRIL 28, 2025
The date for your talk will currently be April 30 2025, but the time and day of the weekly meetings may change at the beginning of each academic term. Please read all weekly announcements so that you are aware of any changes to the time and date of your talk.
Sign Up
Speaker Last name:
Speaker last name as it will appear on the schedule.
Speaker First name:
Speaker first name as it will appear on the schedule.
Faculty P.I. or mentor Last name:
Faculty P.I. or mentor last name
Faculty P.I. or mentor First name:
Faculty P.I. or mentor first name
Last name of requestor:
Last name of requestor
First name of requestor:
First name of requestor
Last name of moderator:
Last name of moderator
First name of moderator:
First name of moderator
Speaker Email:
Topic or Title:
Please give an actual descriptive phrase, *not* TBD or TBA.
20 minutes
40 minutes
Location e.g. Lucas P083