My research interests are in the field of medical imaging,
particularly magnetic resonance imaging and in vivo spectroscopy. While
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been advancing at a rapid pace
during the past decade, and provides excellent contrast between organs
and lesions and exquisite anatomical detail, the promise that in vivo
MR spectroscopy holds for revealing functional and physiological
information will likely be realized in the decade to come. Many
exciting correlations have been obtained between various MR
spectroscopic components (e.g., metabolites such as lactate and
choline) and disease diagnosis and treatment. However, until these can
be robustly presented with high spatial resolution, high
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and reasonable imaging times, they will
remain primarily in the laboratory. Thus, current research in our
laboratory has focussed on an array of novel techniques for producing
clinically valuable images of these important metabolic components.
These approaches, which include improved spectroscopic imaging and
shimming methods as well as the application of estimation theory for
optimal data quantification, address the inherent difficulties of low
concentrations of the desired components, overlapping resonances, and
field inhomogeneities caused by imperfect magnets and magnetic
susceptibility variations with the body. Applications of this work
include cancer diagnosis, treatment monitoring, and prediction of
response to therapy. In addition, we are conducting basic research into
a variety of neurologic conditions including brain development in
pediatric patients and neurodegeneration associated with Alzheimer's
disease, alcoholism, epilepsy, and aging.
These research activities are in collaboration with faculty and staff
in various departments of the Medical School and in the School of
Engineering, and I advise graduate students in various degree programs
including Biophysics, Bioengineering, Electrical Engineering, and
Medical Informatics.